Marine Durand portfolio - Homepage

Marine Durand is a freelance graphic designer, she works for graphic design missions (logo, visual identity), webdesign and photography.

She wanted to change her graphic identity and therefore her website, acting as a portfolio.
So I helped her for a new Artistic Direction, closer to his personality and his passions.

Marine is passionate since childhood by the world of esotericism and tarot / oracle, it was interesting to use this universe for her new image.

The site was designed around a deck of cards (reference to tarot) to represent each of her projects.
Each card is designed by Marine and is constructed as follows: a roman numeral, the family of the card representing the category of the project (cup, wand, sword), an illustration and the name of the project.

Cards allow us to introduce a vast mystical and atypical universe, while affirming an original and creative identity.

Here's the homepage of this project.

Portfolio | Behance | Instagram | Twitter

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