UX UI design, icon design and more for Bandsintown

My role: product designer, UX UI design, created low fidelity wireframes to high fidelity mock ups, interaction design, icon design, graphic design, UX researcher, usability test, competitive analysis, feature comparison and UX copy writing.

I conceptualized and proposed adding feature's to the Bandsintown app.

Bandsintown is a company with a website and mobile app on which the public can track their favorite musicians so they never miss a concert. Users can discover new touring musicians based on their music preferences and location. They’re also a producer of live stream events.

The new features I designed are: increase the ability to see what concerts friends are going to. Add a way to share mutual RSVP statuses to a particular concert. Increase sociability amongst friends. Add the ability to see what bands a friend of yours and you both track. Add notification settings for the artists you track. Reorganize and add more information to the notifications section. Reorganize and add more information to user's profile pages.

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