Traveling split cup pour with METALLIC paints ~ Acrylic pour pai

For this traveling split cup pour with METALLIC paints I used 3D printed split cup from @Mixed Media Girl Etsy shop. I really like it, because I have more control over the lines and composition.
I had an idea with more negative space in my head, but I had too much paint in my split cup for that, so I left paint to flow. ;)

TECHNIQUE: Traveling Split cup pour
- 12x20 inch canvas
- Acrylic paints mixed with pouring medium
- Split cup
- Cake spinner
- Palete knife

- Boesner black
- Pebeo iridescent precious gold
- Pebeo iridescent silver
- Pebeo iridescent copper
- Pearl white

All my paints are mixed with Boesner Guardi acrylic binder and acrylic emulsion.
Please understand that I am in no way responsible for the way you use your paint and mediums. Follow all safety instructions of the manufacturers, I can not be held liable.
Be careful and use the proper materials for your safety.

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