LoudMusic Ui Kit (iOS/Dashboard) (Figma/XD)
Hi there,
This is LoudMusic UI kit for IOS/Dashboard with the best interface designs. This is specially for Music and Podcast designs. Color is a special attractive & awesome that express personality and mentally.
There are 30+ unique high quality iOS & dashboard screens with (375 x 812) resolution. There are 100+ Customizable Components, for fast work. Its also in dual mode (Light & Dark). Font-awesome(fontawesome.com) icon was used in this UI kit.
I hope you love this UI Kit. I am available for freelance.
You can ping me for any concern about this UI Kit.
Full project: https://www.behance.net/gallery/75566077/LoudMusic-%28Podcast%29-iOSWeb-UI-Kit-%28Figma-XD%29
Features & Compatibility
Compatible with Figma & Adobe XD
30+ Unique ios/Dashboard Screens
Light & Dark Mode (ios/Dashboard)
100+ Customizable Components
Google & Font-awesome Used
Neatly Organized, Simple, Flat & Modern
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