Title Wave (pun intended)

Client: Port Jefferson High School Wrestling

Project Survery: Create a memorable poster representing the number of years that the Wrestling program has won the Suffolk County Wrestling Tournament Team title.

This wrestling program has a long history of success. But like any long term endevour there are ups and downs. The current program has been in place for 9 years at the time this poster was created. The team and coaches had worked very hard to make this program into something of greatness once again after a long time of inconsistency. Fortunately I had the opprotunity to be a major part of the Coaching staff for 7 of those 9 years. The head coach and I still collaborate on annual posters to this day.

This posters theme was meant to capture the momentum of the program moving forward powered by the years of experience and championships.

These posters act as a keepsake for the atheletes to look back on and remember their journey. In addition they act as a great way to help encourage and recruit new students to the sport.


Interested in working together ? Have questions? Problems to solve? Ideas to explore? Drop a DM -or- 📨 create@thetruthquarry.com

The Truth Quarry - Ian McEwen
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