
I was invited by Casa Diária, an independent shop in São Paulo, to put together an exhibition of my work with hand made illustrations – which started my personal series, back in 2019, entitled “Linhas” (Lines) and “Estudos Geométricos” (Geometric Studies). Orto, in Brazilian Portuguese, means “the beginning”. This project features not only the results of a hobby of mine, but is also a wrap up of different areas I like to explore: design, code, music and art.

The visual language of Orto uses minimalism to balance the different styles of the illustrations, marked by strong lines, repetitions and geometric textured shapes. I believe just a few elements are enough to highlight each piece of work, while the use of saturated color generates contrast between the art style and graphic design aesthetics.

Like my other personal projects, the inspiration for the visual identity comes from my observations and ideas for the digital design work itself. In this case, the illustrations works both as the main subject on the website as well as an expressive element that supports the identity and the name of the exhibition.

This project was built with VueJS and Locomotive Scroll, by locomotive.ca.

The website will be available for the customers at 4:11pm today, but you can check the full project on https://www.glaubersampaio.com/orto

Featured in https://klikkentheke.com/catalogue/orto/https://visuelle.co.uk/ortoglauber-sampaio/

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