LinkedToo CI
When South Africa went into lockdown to flatten the curve of the COVID19 pandemic, TouchFoundry and Backabuddy partnered to create Helpout, a geotagged platform where communities across the country can list their needs and services as a means to alleviate the dire economic circumstances.
Little did we know, that was just the beginning. It didn’t take long before it became clear that what we had sparked was so much bigger than ourselves. As a result of BackaBuddy’s strategic partnership with the Public Private Growth Initiative (PPGI), we were connected to the South African Presidency within days to do a full assessment of Helpout’s potential. Since, Helpout has expanded into LinkedTo: a fully fledged disaster relief platform that identifies a community’s needs through multiple data points and uses built in geotagging functionality to plot out distribution of National Solidarity Fund aid, as well as act as beacon to draw in third party organizations and allow them to contribute in meaningful ways under a single banner to best coordinate their efforts.
It was vital that the platform was welcoming and approachable, so we inserted that value into the core of its corporate identity, as seen here.