UX Workflow - Wireframe Sketchsheet with Stencils

My wireframe sketch system based on the innovative "Perfect Scale Stencils" and "Dotted Columns" concepts, tested and improved through the years.

Perfect Scale vs Fixed Systems. Screen sizes are constantly changing and one screen size fixed in a paper can't fit all the projects. So I learned (the hard way) the most important thing in sketching is proportion precision, in order that ideas and concepts then fit into real interfaces.

Sketchsheets with Stencils. I created a full pack of Sketcheets with an innovative dotted columns grid system inside, in where to drag and drop tons of screen (ui stencils) and design precision wireframes and its responsive concepts. That way I am also ready for any new future device coming out in the market.

Print and Digital. All is ready to print, but also fully vector editable ready to start paperless sketches in no time, so I can sketch also in my iPad. That way is easy being agile, develop and share my ideas in a clearer way (and also with more class :-)

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