Women's Strike

For a long time I didn't want to combine my artworks with my worldview. Unfortunately, there are moments when you need to stop being silent.

I suspect that most of you have not heard about what's happening in Poland for several days. Despite the COVID threat, thousands of people took to the streets to protest against the new abortion restrictions.

The existing arrangements on abortion, the so-called "abortion compromise", assumed so far that a woman could have an abortion in three cases:

1. When the fetus is diseased;
2. When the pregnancy is the result of rape;
3. When pregnancy threatens the health or life of a woman.

In all other situations, abortion in Poland has been illegal so far. A few days ago, the government decided to ban the first point, explaining that the Constitution claims that everyone has the right to life. Everyone, it means the fetus as well. Thus, we women were denied our rights, so we could become the living incubators. Neither our Constitution, nor the law says what exactly "human being" is. Thanks to this, the Constitutional Court, composed of far-right Catholics, concluded that the fetus is human and therefore has the right to be born. Women (but also men) began to protest massively, because neither of us wants to give birth to a child with lethal defects, who would die in our hands a few hours after birth. Women who are not ready for raising a disabled child are called as murderers. Women who are not ready for seeing their child dying in their arms are called as murderers.

We live in a Catholic and far-right country. Our government is made up of Catholics who have been trying to impose their worldview on others for years. In our country it's called "patriotism" and "the defense of Christian pro-life values", although in reality in many cases it is the Catholic extremism. Many women are so used to our daily reality, that they do not even want to fight for freedom and the full right to abortion until the 12th week of pregnancy - they prefer to fight for the "abortion compromise" that has been so far, considering it as FREEDOM, despite the fact that in our country it is OVER 100,000 illegal abortions occur each year, often in conditions that ENDANGER WOMAN'S HEALTH!

Show your solidarity with us!
Read more here: https://euobserver.com/opinion/149889

...and check this Facebook event, which is made for you (English version below):

Support women for fight for our rights!

More by Ewa Geruzel

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