Dual View - A Chrome Extension

This past weekend I read this post - http://yewknee.com/blog/responsive-design-tester - about an app called Duo and page called The Responsive Tester.

I really liked the idea of how these "apps" lets you test your site in two viewports at the same time. Any way, I thought it would be nice to have a Chrome Extension that works similar to these two "apps". I had never written a Chrome Extension so I decided to give it a try (turned out to be as easy as pie) .

It's not public yet, but I'd love some feedback on it, preferably negative feedback so I can improve the extension or just off myself. Sure, if anyone finds it to be a useful extension I'd be happy to hear that also.

If you feel like giving it a try you'll find it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dual-view-rwd/gjebhbpkofkjlfpkjpljdfalpghajcap

Once installed, go to a site you'd like to test and click the extension icon. Once the site has loaded you can drag to resize the views or you can find a couple of predefined breakpoints/widths by hovering the small gear icon in the bottom left. If you're not happy with the predefined widths you can edit them and they will be saved as long as you have the extension installed. Might come in handy if you work with specific breakpoints.

Adios, and thanks in advance!

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