Daily UI #012 | E-Commerce Single Page
Design a e-commerce shop item for local business or large retailer
Goal: Design nice looking page for e-commerce item.
Hypothesis: A nice looking page with obvious CTA will improve sales and conversions rates.
Metrics: - Conversion Rates - Add to cart vs. Page Views
Data Fields Ideas: Brand Model Price Description Color Add to Cart (removed as I felt people don't just add a $6000 item to a cart, they order it) Buy Now (Changed to Order Scooter, a little more direct) Favorite (Save this for later, and well send you emails ;) Reviews (decided against as Vespa is a well known brand) Finance (important for an expensive purchase!) Product Details Shipping and Return Details (My intention was to include this below) Social Feed (Really like this, just would include below the fold) Product Features (include below the fold) Specifications (include below the fold) Other Items you may like (on the fence but might be good to include at the bottom of the page)
*All Images and text are from Vespa website.