Leishmaniasis Infographic
Leishmaniasis Infographic
This scientific infographic is based on Andrea Mastrangelo and Daniel Salomon’s article 'Contribution of social anthropology to eco-epidemiological comprehension of an American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis outbreak at '2.000 hs', Iguazu, Argentina.' The article discusses the exposure of the disease, the methods of transmission, prevention and control. The infographic is aimed at professionals such as doctors or nurses, since the information does not focus on teaching the existence of the vector, but shows different views of the problem from an epidemiological and anthropological standpoint. The infographic design is based on a graphic narrative divided into zones, which explain the levels of risk of exposure, from the habitat of the parasite in the jungle to residential areas. The complex information is simplified by using encyclopedic character illustrations and plane figures for the statistics graphs.