Big Three

Do friendships really warrant a logo? This one does! Three boys met in grade school in the 1960’s in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. Fast friends, they grew up in others’ houses, parents became friends too, lots of sports teams, camping trips, school activities, you name it. By the time they were seniors in high school, it all culminated in sports league championships, and the bond was stronger than ever. But college acceptances took them in different directions, so they decided to go out to dinner one last time before leaving town, to say farewell. It was so much fun they did it again the next year, when all three were home for break. Last month, they met for dinner again… for the FORTY EIGHTH year in a row! Their bond may be strong, but their naming creativity isn’t – just called, The Big Three.

Central to this tradition is The Big Three Plaque. Ever since this plaque was introduced in about year 8, it’s been at every dinner. The plaque has an engraved plate for each Big Three Dinner, detailing the year, name of the restaurant, and the city.

Posted on Oct 27, 2020

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