The Covidhouse - Mocktober 2020
"How Long Have We Been On This Rock? Five Weeks? Two Days? Help Me Recollect."
This years' entry is about 2020's 'trendiest' topic: COVID - 19. Not only that, I merged COVID with 2019's (see what I did there) best movie, The Lighthouse.
I saw this movie in December, and during quarantine, I really began to feel like Thomas Howard and Thomas Wake. I really felt like I was gonna lose my mind (still do... quarantine is going strong in Mexico).
I really liked the idea of using my Mocktober entry as a cautionary tale of what happened. It was fun to explore the old-time vibe this film has and to limit myself to work with two colors (nothing like my Suspiria entry, which drenched color).
Ps. Congrats to filmmaker Robert Eggers. This is the second year in a row that I use one of his films as my inspiration/topic. He's deep in my psyche.
Thanks again to @Elegant Seagulls for putting on another year of Mocktober. Keep them coming guys!
Happy Halloween and take care! ๐