Rise Up. Show Up. Unite!

There are 9 days until what is probably the most important election in my lifetime. I’ve been waiting for this time to come for four long years. There are a million reasons why I am voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, but the most important stands on the fact that these two will believe scientists and doctors. They will better help us manage this pandemic and put our planet in priority to give us and other generations a better future for this nation, not push us back. Oh, and there’s common decency…

I’m not saying there’s a perfect candidate, because there never will be. But if we can vote someone in that gets us closer to who we are and what we represent as a nation, then I’m going to do just that. We need to rise up against what our country is facing, show up to vote, and unite as a country again. Enough of this disgusting division in our country.

Designers and artists. Let’s push this campaign out into the world if you agree with me so if there’s anyone that’s on the fence about even voting at all, maybe this will help them get out and vote. If you’re hesitant to post political things like this, don’t be. What’s the worst that could happen? You lose a follower or two? Best case is you gain like-minded followers. We don’t do it for the money, so why would we do it for a follower count?

The passing of RBG really really bummed me out. I know she’s a fighter, so in my mind I thought she could hold on for another couple months. She was a straight-up badass and was so inspiring knowing she helped so many people. I guess her passing lit a fire under me to start voicing my opinion even more than I have. So here it is. Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris like our lives depend on it…because it kinda does.

If you agree with me, join in on the Rise Up Show Up Unite campaign like a bunch of artists and designers already have showing support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Click this link to find out more.


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