Flo | Mobile App | Take care of your plants
Collect points for caring for plants, level up and create a home garden of your dreams!
I'm thinking of making this app in English so if it gets many likes I'll definitely do it.
Please check out prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/aIg6joPBb9YDUrFteJjW3BGR/Flo-App?node-id=148%3A79&scaling=scale-down
Scoring system
You get 5 points for adding a new plant. You get 1 point for watering the plant. If you do not water the plant by the end of the day or you ignore the watering message, you lose -5 points. If you decide to remove a plant from your home garden, you will not lose the points you have accumulated. Think about your decision as this action cannot be undone.
Remember that the application detects and blocks the scam of adding plants and quickly removing them from the garden.
Collect points for caring for plants, level up and create a home garden of your dreams!
I'm thinking of making this app in English so if it gets many likes I'll definitely do it.
Please check out prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/aIg6joPBb9YDUrFteJjW3BGR/Flo-App?node-id=148%3A79&scaling=scale-down
Scoring system
You get 5 points for adding a new plant. You get 1 point for watering the plant. If you do not water the plant by the end of the day or you ignore the watering message, you lose -5 points. If you decide to remove a plant from your home garden, you will not lose the points you have accumulated. Think about your decision as this action cannot be undone.
Remember that the application detects and blocks the scam of adding plants and quickly removing them from the garden.
Collect points for caring for plants, level up and create a home garden of your dreams!
I'm thinking of making this app in English so if it gets many likes I'll definitely do it.
Please check out prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/aIg6joPBb9YDUrFteJjW3BGR/Flo-App?node-id=148%3A79&scaling=scale-down
Scoring system
You get 5 points for adding a new plant. You get 1 point for watering the plant. If you do not water the plant by the end of the day or you ignore the watering message, you lose -5 points. If you decide to remove a plant from your home garden, you will not lose the points you have accumulated. Think about your decision as this action cannot be undone.
Remember that the application detects and blocks the scam of adding plants and quickly removing them from the garden.