Kajak Project - KTH

Dynamic kayak ergometer - mimicking the real elements of kayaking

Based on a concept created by Einar Rasmussen (Picture 1), the kayak ergometer was redeveloped to further mimick the kayaking experience. Throughout the work, sketching, prototyping and testing (Picture 2) was done to realize the validity of the concept.

The changes done to the original concept:

Motor (Picture 4) - Reconstruction of the motor and the shafts was added to prevent from potentially harming the user.

Swivel (Picture 5) - Springs were used to mimick the force of water. Maximum tilt is set to 6 degrees, which was implemented from logs of professional kayaking data.

Rails (Picture 6) - To reduce weight and momentum on the wheels, the rails were put adjescent to the seating area.

Tilt (Picture 7) - To remove the need for added weights, calculations of work was done to realize the necessary tilt for a positional equilibrium. This also allows for further mobility of the product.

Seat adjustment (Picture 8) - In order to counteract the tilt and to keep the user in a horizontal position, a seat adjustment was implemented.

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Posted on Oct 20, 2020

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