Riel's Revenge

There has been a lot of racial tension in Kingston this past year especially over the removal of John A. Macdonald's statue since Kingston was his hometown. Unfortunately there is a much darker side to his reign over Canada, and many indigenous people do not see him so much as a "founding father" as he was a racist, murderer and highly negligent of his duties to the indigenous population. Many say that "oh he wasn't perfect but he did a lot for us." For who exactly? For the white man, yes. But to the rest of us he was a terror and deserves little praise and honor. Can we change the past? No. But we do not need to celebrate somebody who has caused harm to so many. Kingston should respect it's indigenous land and history and stop putting this man on a pedestal. As a local Metis woman this is how I feel about the city ignoring indigenous cries to remove the statue. They say don't fight fire with fire, but I think Louis would be happy with this one and thats all that matters to me.

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