Day 1 • Sign Up
Day 1 • Sign-Up
How to design great UX for sign-up screens on mobile applications? Sounds easy. Unfortunately, sign-up screens are designed poorly more frequently than you can imagine. 😲
Here is my list of things we should keep in mind while designing sign-up screens for our users:
• Ability to skip and register later
• Ability to log in
• Simple registration form: email, password (avoid usernames)
• Intuitive signup process from screen to screen
• Defined and clear error messages
• Password security (hide password)
• Ability to read privacy policies
My tasks for the future:
• Include alternative ways to sign up (Apple, Facebook, Google, etc)
• Password security - hide/show password while filling out the form
Please let me know what you think! #DailyUI
Thanks @sanket for inviting me to Dribbble!