The Game of Strife 2020 Beta

A week ago I rolled out the beta edition of the Game of Strife 2020, a satirical Figma board game about life in the end times.

I'm still working out the bugs in this game, and would love help play testing its many elements!

You can copy the community file here to play with your friends!

This version is a beta, and as such isn't final product, I'm still working on things such as board illustrations and figuring out the good/bad about how some of the component based functions work.

Here's a full paste of the release notes from the community page:

Version 4.1 - Beta (See updates after description)

This is a community beta version of the Game of Strife 2020, a satirical game about life in the end times (2020).

This game is meant to be played with your remote work team as a method of decompression or bonding, and is designed to be used with some kind of group audio/video conferencing service as a method of communication. You can also play it with family and friends!

Works with 3 or more players. Please read the rules and intro on the welcome page before playing.

One player will need to know how to use Figma plugins, this beta is designed to use the Property Randomizer plugin (we're still working on our custom digital spinner plugin), but you could also play using online spinners.


Added new banker spinner rules page
Added launch pad and retirement space
Removed antiquated land mechanics in disaster clock
Added hidden illustrations layer
Added more spaces
Made the career loop more obvious
Made children smaller so the cars are less likely to break

Coming soon in V5 (October 24th):

Board Illustrations (I'm still working on them)
Custom spinner plugin
Spreadsheet powered spaces (Customize your own game!)
New Game Mode 4 Spaces that are determined by survey questions before playing

Coming soon in V6 (November 30th):
Wormholes (multi-page play mode)

More by Jacob Waites

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