DailyUI Challenge 020 - Location Tracker

The twentieth challenge - location tracker.

At first, I got a bit confused with what I had to design. So, had to look up some references.
Most were about geo maps for apps like activity tracker, restaurant finder, and so. Hence, I thought of trying something different.

Thus, I went with the idea of racing map tracker.
The idea was simple - to have a map of the racing track with circles representing the car/driver. There's a leaderboard to show info like lap timings and gap; and finally, the lap count at bottom.

File link: https://www.figma.com/proto/fyMrkqf7IEDuIGWYFGZwCU/DailyUI-020?node-id=2%3A1702&viewport=1%2C293%2C0.03884689509868622&scaling=min-zoom

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