Aaron Draplin Portrait Illustration Perspective Podcast Art
NEW PERSPECTIVE PODCAST EP 188: Aaron Draplin on Building Your Creative Empire on Your Own Terms
You never know what the outcome is going to be when you start pursuing something that interests you or that’s important to you.
But showing up and consistently chipping away at it is what reveals the gold along the way.
Today’s guest, Aaron Draplin of Draplin Design Co., has built an empire of consistently showing up and doing the work.
He needs no formal introductions, because for a hot minute now, he’s cemented himself as a creative industry juggernaut wielding a big old burly beard of fire and fury.
In today’s episode, Draplin and I go deep on: • Pursuing something when you don’t know the outcome. • Doing it for the hell of it and learning to love it. • Why you don’t need the BIG degree to make shit happen. • Using your time wisely and being productive. • Paying off debt, showing the ugly, and more.
If you’re ready to avoid instant gratification, put in the work, and have some fun with your creative pursuits, then this one is for you.
Listen to the full episode here.