Tithely Next // Nov 2020
We were getting ready to launch a bunch of new updates and products at Tithely when someone had the idea to put together an apple-esque keynote giving the engineering, design, and marketing team less than 3 weeks to finish building the products and then creating all the design elements and marketing campaigns to be able to launch by August 11, 2020. In just two weeks, we saw over 8000 people register for the first Tithely Next and a 45% conversion rate. It was a huge success!
Now, we’re doing these events quarterly, and we are right at a month away from our second launch event. It was so nice to get a little more than a two weeks notice this time. 😂
Wanna see the full page in all its glory? Check it out at get.tithe.ly/next
Looking for someone to help you launch your next product? Hit me up at me@levidjones.com or text me at (626) 807-8485