Gastronaut web site re-design

Hey all,

I did redesign for Gastronaut but I see that design currently in developing process.

Gastronaut is developed by experienced restaurateurs paired with creative minds from the IT scene, a digital partner for tomorrow’s gastronomy. We build solutions for the industry, continuously develop them, and do not allow the individual restaurateur’s individualism to be lost - because that’s precisely what makes gastronomy so exciting.

🧐Problem: How to show the synergy of IT technology and years of success in the Gastro business via website design? Here the main idea to make an accent on Illusrtations and pros of the product. How to show but not to scare owners and staff that Gastronaut is not a replacement for humans but a tool?

🎯Goal: So the goal was to get the trust by Customer-centric design and fancy illustrations with the main character - Gastronaut, who is making cheers, as Leonardo Di Caprio and in the meant time says to the visitor, ” Welcome to my world, come and stay.” To make it feels cozy.

🤩Solution: I didn’t use too many colors since the style was outlined, and I wanted to focused on eye-catching details. Every block was created to accentuate the content rather than on graphic elements because


Design — Sketch Illustrations — Illustrator

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Instagram | Linkedin | AE+Sketch templates every Restaurator knows the devil is in details. Clean and simple design, product color scheme, and amazing combination of “present days to futuristic life” illusrtations storytelling created a sequence of visual product undertanding. I really like these illustrations, since I spent a lot of time on it to have exactly that feeling what I was chasing for.

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