Diners Credit Card | George Store

Hi people!

I am happy to share with you a part of how the products in George Store (a virtual store where you can contract or buy Erste Bank's products) were created, or what we had in mind when we developed them, which are now presented to the public through George, the pan-European platform that transforms banking with digital g(e)orgeousness.

As a UX/UI designer I am honored to be a part of a great project and I am particularly grateful I had the opportunuty to learn, colaborate and strive for better with my colleages from the Direct Channels Division in Erste Bank Croatia. I would especially like to thank Luka Savić and Vanja Đurinec, the more experienced guys, for direction and design decisions and to all the participants and colleagues who directly or indirectly influenced products development. You guys rock! 🙂

Finally, let's get to the point 😉

The goal was to enable our users to apply for their desired Diners Credit Card through George Store, Erste Bank’s new online store. After successful submission, the Application is received by Erste Card Club (which is part of Erste Bank Croatia) and it will be processed, approved or rejected afterwards.

When analyzing the current process (back in Q1/2020) we discovered that a certain number of users have left the Application for Diners after completing the first few steps. Also, the user retention (for the ones who successfully submitted the Application) is generally long-lasting. The Request in its initial form consisted of 12 steps, which is a lot, so we steered attention toward making the process less time consuming and to make it a pleasant user experience.

By looking at the existing process, we realized that the users are expected to check or to enter data in a pretty classic form at almost every step (including the first step). We also noticed that the respondents have difficulty in choosing the desired card among the offered cards.

Although it was not possible to reduce the data required to file the Request, we did find that personal data are present in several steps, and we have combined them into one logical whole. We also presented pre-fetched data (that the user can still modify as needed) in the form of a list that can be quickly scrolled and scanned with the eye. We also changed the selection of the cards where we introduced categorization like seen on www.diners.hr where a large number of users come to get informed about the cards themselves. Of course, the final decisions that we made were substantiated with A/B testing and surveys were conducted. We collected quantitative as well as qualitative data. Finally, we reduced the number of steps from 12 to 8 without making the process bulky or more time consuming.

See you in the Next Chapter! 🙂

More by Mario Orlovac

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