Online Test Website | Web Design

As more and more teachers teach online, the inclusion of students in the learning process is very important. In online learning, it’s very important to have a friction-less portal for online tests as well, where students can attempt tests, answer questions and check results This will help to foster a healthy testing environment that promotes data-driven insights.

👨🏻‍🏫 Task
To design a high-fidelity wireframe for a desktop-based testing interface of a high school class, allowing interactions between students and questions. Students will be able to attempt questions as well as navigate to other questions. The goal is to design the UX from a student perspective who is going to attempt the test. The design should be such that it allows students to use basic functionalities that are required in a testing environment.

🔥 Features
1. Display questions with images/equations.
2. Students can navigate in the test.
3. Students can flag questions.
4. Students can easily identify attempted/flagged questions and different sections in the test.
5. Students can check the time.
6. Monitoring/Proctoring related functionality.
7. FAQs & Help section.

💻 Web Pages designed
- Splash Screen
- Welcome / Disclaimer Screen
- Test Screen
- Flagged Screen
- FAQs Screen
- Help Screen
- Exit Screen

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