Coronavirus awareness campaign
This project is one of the projects which is related to my studying 'Graphic design and media arts, GRPH271-Graphic Reproduction Technology Course, it aims to aware people of the fake news that they found on different social platforms and prevent them from sharing it with other people, the date of this project back to March 2020, Thanks to Markus Spiske and Engin Akyurt for letting me use their photos in my poster design, also you can share this project threw WhatsApp groups and Social media instead of the fake messages. • check the full project on Behance • • #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #socialdistancing #love #pandemic #stayathome #virus #quedateencasa #cuarentena #o #rus #a #instagram #coronav #pandemia #memes #instagood #like #follow #s #india #n #dirumahaja