JOIST business innovation park

An extensive project for a Business Innovation Park, an Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) initiative. Naming: Representative, pleasing and visually operating the name of the Park describes a pillar and a bond: it’s JOIST. Services Concept: The service categories visually commensurate the pieces of a tangram, which invites its use with an encouragement: produce, work, meet & present, organize, fund, play. Logotype: The symbol is a monogram, based in the same ancient Chinese game. Two geometrical forms compose the initial ‘’J’’. The compact structure depicts a working position and the internal part of the outline shapes an arrow. The typography is simple and modern, empowered by cuttings in the symbols degrees. Tagline is taking part being a JOIST that traverses and houses the brand name. Eventually, mauve is there to underline singularity and dissimilarity. Corporate Identity: CID applications developed to communicate the values and visions of innovative entrepreneurship.


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