DailyUI 001 Sign in / Sign Up page

Hey everyone! :)

Day 1 of the #DailyUI Challenge! Saw several designers sharing their amazing UI designs on LinkedIn and thought this was a wonderful opportunity for me, as an aspiring UX/UI designer, to challenge myself, grow my portfolio and build on design skills.

This is a Sign In / Sign Up page for Buddy Readers to find their perfect Buddy Reading match!

While this is a 100-day challenge, it’s more likely that I’ll spread it out over the course of a year.

Here is a link to the live prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/Te6wdSlKxxsAkwQNvEpGyx/Day-001-100-Day-UI-Challenge?node-id=3%3A2&viewport=234%2C150%2C0.12671522796154022&scaling=scale-down

Let me know what you think

Illustrations are all from: Undraw.Co (Thank you for creating these beautiful Open Source Illustrations)

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