Lg refrigerator service center in katraj pune
We destiny impact expertise and records to give in our LG refrigerator service center in katraj pune. To simply name us and login your own home equipment issues, we offer door carrier for revel in upkeep and service we're searching offer the provider for refrigerator repair and carrier 24*7 Services Center provide Refrigerator and maintained center for all kinds of Fridge or Refrigerator. Lg refrigerator service center in katraj pune calls us 7997951955, 7997951954. We are serving all kinds of Refrigerators not cooling your food. Or is there a defrosting problem together with your fridge, you have repaired your refrigerator Gas Refilling, Cooling, Compressor the issues troubles we take underneath our provider. Our service prices is Rs.350/- best our technicians resolve your property appliance problems inside 2 hours to rectify your major or minor problems we deliver fulfill purchaser pleasure to offer your technical problems.