LEVANT airways

This logo is inspired by Alpine swift
Alpine swifts breed in mountains from southern Europe to the Himalaya.
Like common swifts, they are strongly migratory, and winter much further
south in southern Africa.

Alpine Swifts have very short legs which are used for clinging to vertical
surfaces. They never settle voluntarily on the ground,
spending most of their lives in the air living on the insects they catch in their

Alpine swift can stay aloft in the air for up to seven months at a time,
even drinking water "on the wing".

Alpine swifts spend most of their lives in the air,
It flies at a speed of 200 km/h, living on the insects they catch in their beaks.

They drink on the wing but roost on vertical cliffs or walls. A study published in 2013 showed Alpine swifts can spend over six months
flying without having to land, All vital physiological processes, including sleep, can be performed while in the air!


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