Happy 30th, Jake!
TBT: A friend asked me to make a logo for her boyfriend's 30th (he was never bar mitzvah'ed). The first image is what she went with (shown again in black and white) but I have a soft spot for the headline I made up in image 3 (it just worked on so many levels).
TBT: A friend asked me to make a logo for her boyfriend's 30th (he was never bar mitzvah'ed). The first image is what she went with (shown again in black and white) but I have a soft spot for the headline I made up in image 3 (it just worked on so many levels).
TBT: A friend asked me to make a logo for her boyfriend's 30th (he was never bar mitzvah'ed). The first image is what she went with (shown again in black and white) but I have a soft spot for the headline I made up in image 3 (it just worked on so many levels).