Life is Too Short Challenge

🧙‍♂️ A wise man once said to me:

“Before you build a product, you must first build a community.”

Entering into a niche market where the community is the main driver of success, it becomes a no-brainer that I must make sure the community spirit is created and enlivened before I even think of launching the mobile app.

That is precisely where my main focus goes while building Tribevibe. And today I came up with a fun challenge to engage my Instagram audience. I thought it'll be fun to post it here too.

Design-wise, a visual language start to emerge with the use of shapes and typography, where I believe it'll blend well with the Tribevibe overall brand.

~~~~~~~ So, what makes life too short for you? Reply in the comments. 🤓 ~~~~~~~

What is Tribevibe anyway? Tribevibe is a global community of travellers, wanderers, and curious people that thrive under the premise that the world is inherently good. It provides a platform for meaningful connections and experiences. Simply put, it's a community for untourists—for those that travelling is a way of life and a path to self-discovery.

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