For such a long time I looked, but wasn’t really paying attention.⁣

I must admit, before the murder of George Floyd I wasn’t really aware how big of a problem racism still is.⁣

I was living happily in my privileged bubble, not realizing the suffering and injustices POC were still experiencing.⁣

After his murder, I stayed up late watching the news, following protests happening all around the world. ⁣

And I started to remember …⁣

I remembered all of the things I had witnessed and ignored. Reactions I had, comments my family, friends or I had made in the past, „jokes“ that were told again and again, looks or behaviors I had, things I had learned, fears and assumptions ….⁣

I didn’t post a black square on my personal Instagram profile like many others did. It felt wrong for me. Not because I didn’t believe in the cause, but because I felt ashamed. Ashamed of my ignorance and prejudice. It all came like a wave, and it made me feel fake. ⁣

Here I was, parading my love for animals, trying to live a more sustainable life, doing volunteer work for causes I believed in, yet still having this mentality in the back of my head. ⁣

It was ridiculous. ⁣

How on earth could I pretend to care for the planet, and not care for a sickness that has been affecting my own kind? One can not speak about empathy and compassion for living creatures without including humans in the process.⁣

I felt sorry for myself, but then it hit me again: This isn’t about me or how it affects me. It is about POC that have been the ones to experience it their entire lives. ⁣

Racism is a disease that has been infecting our society for a while, taking lives and infecting our minds. ⁣

Why is it that the amount of melanin someone has determines the way a person should be treated? ⁣

We humans created this virus and we have the power to eliminate it.⁣

I am determined to do better. For them. For their future. For our future.⁣

Here’s a link where you can find different resources to learn more about racism in our society:⁣⁣

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