Noozy App
Today i would like to share my first ever shot of an app design i created for my Binar academy design challenge.
It was my first time using UI/UX tools (in this case, Figma). I must say it's not too shabby looking since we were also given a limited time to design the mockup and also the prototype.
The idea of this design is to create an app that can help users to not be overwhelmed of Covid-19 informations. I made it similiar to Twitter in design and function, but added some feature such as rating news and search. In search feature, users can search by category and also set some filters; verified account and 3 star and above news.
With this added features, hopefully the users can find relevant and valid news faster and easier.
I hope you can give me some feedbacks, and also i'm open for discussion on how to improve myself.
Thank you!