Metanoa Branding

BRIEF  👇 Metanoa, is an Entity that strives to provide Autistic treatment through AI and Machine learning. As detailed by the client, their core aim is "Changing a child's life, with the help of Artificial Intelligence with human intervention". The team wanted me to rebrand their existing logo and their requirement was a minimal iconic logo with text. 

CHALLENGES  👇 Since the client required a minimal logo, the main challenge was that of adaptability.  The main platform of working, for the client was their website and an app which they would be developing for the same. As such, the elements being included in the logo shouldn't be losing its detailing, even while being reduced by size to fit onto apps or other Brand applications. Also, the client wished to include elements that reflected children, happiness, AI, or technology, and such other elements that represented their business.

SOLUTION 👇 The solution was a unique logo option in which I had included three elements -  Child + Smile/happiness + AI/Tech nodes. The icon contains child, happiness and AI/technology-based nodes reflecting their mode of treating Autistic children. The elements are adaptable to any transformations and the color combination applied is also one that is bright and more visually soothing to children, who are the main users of their application. 

For Branding/Logo Design? 📧 Contact: or DM

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