Wisdom Application / Care for Young Carers

The aims of Wisdom are to improve the wellbeing of young carers through communication, bring young carers together within one virtual space and provide young carers with the tools to help them take back some control of their own lives.

The application has three main areas. The first being community, provides young carers with a sense of belonging and helps young carers to develop a sense of their own identity. It takes a child centred approach in that it provides young carers with the tools to share their experiences with other young carers.

Secondly, Wisdom features its very own chatbot, named Wisbot. Chatbot conversations take a rule based approach which reduces the likelihood of inappropriate responses. Multiple choices answers speed up the process of chatbot conversations and assist comprehension. Conversations will consist of cognitive behavioural therapy techniques and mindfulness-based methods. Both are highly efficient within self care programmes In helping improve the emotional wellbeing of individuals.

Furthermore, Wisdom provides young carers with ease of access to young carers services and helplines. Website links, as well as contact details are provided. Service descriptions will let the young carers know of the support available to them.

Profile within the app acts as a personalised hub, combining all three areas. The profile makes a habit of asking the user direct questions which makes the app feel more personal and encourages interaction.


More by Bethany Clayton

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