Tribevibe - It's Better Together

To build an online community, one must focus on the quality of members instead of quantity. The spirit of the community needs to beat in the same rhythm and sing the same tune. To achieve such an effect is indeed challenging.

As a product designer of a community-led online platform, I decided to get rid of the conventional way of gathering new members—registering—and decided to make the entire mobile app invite-based. That means new members come inside the community only if being invited and vouched by existing ones. This approach might indeed slow down growth, but we are not aiming for exponential growth, right? Growth is only exiting to VC investors, as it produces a quick ROI, but in the long run, it's easy to damage the community spirit. On the other hand, a strong community is a prerequisite to maximising sustainable growth, and that is precisely what I'm aiming for while building Tribevibe.

Of course, there are many more advantages and perks about why I decided on such an approach. I'll leave that to be described in some of my next shots.

But what is Tribevibe?
Tribevibe is a global community of travellers, wanderers, and curious people that thrive under the premise that the world is inherently good. It provides a platform for meaningful connections and experiences. Simply put, it's a community for untourists—for those that travelling is a way of life and a path to self-discovery.
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