Kafene — New Application

🙆 Hey again!

One of the highlights redesigning Kafene was the process of adding a new application. Since this flow had to be accessible for both merchant and customer, we put our efforts into explaining why we need each piece of personal information, so that the application process is clear for both personas.

Also, we designed these cards that use strict guidelines. With such systematic thinking, it’s easy to update their contents and keep the components clean & organized in both design and code.

💡 What’s Kafene? Kafene is a mission driven startup with the goal of empowering flexible ownership. It offers a digital platform that underwrites, approves, and enables payment in less than 5 minutes.

🙌 How we helped? We redesigned the merchant-facing part of the product. From ideation workshops, through design concepts, to detailed documentation and component library — we helped in both short & long term development of the project.

Credit: Mikołaj Biernat


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