Smart City Branding Design

Since watching people’s experiences with and reactions to Cape Town’s water crisis in 2018, I have been inspired by the strength and endurance displayed by the residence of Cape Town and their can do, never say die attitudes. The residents of Cape Town were faced with a life-threatening crisis and emerged victorious. However, after conducting further research into Cape Town’s water crisis and current water situation, it is clear that the war is far from over. Upon cross examination it became clear that this ongoing issue that Cape Town is facing links to one of South Africa’s 2030 sustainable goals, which is access to clean water for all. Based on this reason I decided to use Cape Town as the city of choice to be developed into a smart city.

According to the United Nations (2015), one of the sustainable development goals for 2030 is sustainable access to clean water and sanitation for all. As stated by Alexander (2019), the city of Cape Town experienced this sustainable development problem first hand when they experienced what was considered to be the largest drought-induced municipal water failure in modern history. Seeing the similarities between the two it is clear that Cape Town would be the best option for a smart city tasked with trying to combat the sustainable development problem.

The aim of this is to utilize the beauty of the city of Cape Town to create a new visual identity for the city, positioning it as a sustainable, smart city. The aim of the new identity will be to display to both residents and the rest of South African and the world that Cape Town is a newly developed smart city, and ultimately the goal is, through being a smart city, for Cape Town to help provide sustainable clean water supply to all its residents.

More by Courtney Rasmussen

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