Space Wikipedia App

Hi everyone. This is my very first post. I am an aspiring UX Researcher trying to learn and grind through designs to improve my evaluation and research skills. πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

This is a space Wikipedia app, where you can observe deeper for each of the planet/satellite in the galaxies through a 3D model and compact description. I made this design through DesignJam that is held by πŸ˜„

I designed two pages; the home page, where you can closely wander around the planets by swiping left and right and choose your modes too (whether it's an overview, or in-depth, etc.), and the detail page, where you can understand more about the planet you've chosen, including watch videos and explore the 3D model. πŸš€

If anyone would like to give feedback, please do so! ✨ This is not my first design, as I've created numerous designs through group projects and a startup incubator competition, but yes, this is my first time designing something in a community that gives chances to noobs like me and gives constructive feedback to me as a real designer. 🎨

In the future, I aspire to be a skilled UX Researcher whose design talent can't be doubted. Have a good day! Thank you. πŸ₯°