The Freelance and Business and Stuff Video Course is Here!
✨10% Off our new course, Freelance and Business and Stuff! Use code: dr1bbbz10 at checkout. If you've been wanting to start your own creative studio, this course is a start to finish roadmap to starting and running your own business. From brand positioning to naming, filing paperwork, contracts pricing, workflow, financials, getting dream clients and more! Freelance, and Business, and Stuff the video course covers everything we've learned from 9 years running Hoodzpah and putting together professional practices curriculum for LCAD. The course includes 50+ lessons, a Slack community where we can talk shop together, free template downloads from our own workflow, and lifetime access to the content, including new lessons as we add them. Watch a free preview lesson or grab the whole course at the link below. For a limited time use coupon code: dr1bbbz10 for 10% off. (Get an additional 10% off if you pay up front!)