Shiny Pet cat logo
This logo was for a client but he end up not liking the logo, i saw a big potential and i upgrade it a bit and now i'm punting it for sale.. The client want it a text logo with a negative silhouette of a dog or a cat. First i write the text" Shiny Pet" into the illustrator and i saw a tiny negative space between "PE" like a sitting butt, and then i start to look for a sitting dog or a cat, then i trace the dog and cat and put there, i fill up some spaces between to "PE" so the silhouette can be even more visual. Let me know which of this design is your favorite? Also i would like to know if you are a dog or cat person? :) I always had a cat, i love cat's because they are independent, clean and they keep the house save from pests. This years i feel like i need to make a change and get a dog, they are lot more fun