MOVIX - Cinema Ticket Booking App

Finally, i have made new screen, there are some display of movix app, I just added home screen and detail movie screen . In this screen, this app will show many awesome feature such as movie genre, cinema snack order, upcoming movie, etc . Also, in detail screen, it have feature like display of movie banner, cast, description and movie trailer . I hope this post is helpful 😊 . Thank you πŸ™ . #uidesigninspiration #uidesign #androidstudio #programming #java #coding #github #figma #firebase #webdeveloper #appdeveloper #androiddeveloper #kotlin #flutter #flutterindonesia #uiuxdesign #uxdesign #adobexd #sketchapp #dailyui #dailyuichallenge #dkvdaily #uxdesign #uxigers #uxdesignmastery #html5 #bootstrap #laravel #visualstudiocode #css #javascript

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