Tribevibe Trips

Brand messaging—a very important aspect that needs to be incorporated into the design process, yet it's quite often forsaken. While designing Tribevibe, I've experienced how the correct voice and tone can make the right type of people comfortable, and detract the wrong ones.

These empty states were the perfect chance for branded verbal expression. Our voice and tone are empathetic, sincere, joyful, wishful, and sometimes naïve and childish, but in an empowering sense due to its purity, instead of cerebral and limiting due to its frames and stereotypes created by the mind.

Besides that, a huge thanks to Pixel True Designs for helping us kickstart our visual language with their amazing Watercolour illustration collection.

But what is Tribevibe?
Tribevibe is a global community of travellers, wanderers, and curious people that thrive under the premise that the world is inherently good. It provides a platform for meaningful connections and experiences. Simply put, it's a community for untourists—for those that travelling is a way of life and a path to self-discovery.
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Helping Hands for Daring Brands
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