Winter - Main Window Toolbar

Here's the first ever screenshot of my upcoming Windows Twitter client, Winter! A pretty small crop, but only because I don't want to reveal too much yet... ;)

Hopefully you can guess what the three icons on this toolbar (is it even a bar?) stand for. If not, well, they're New Tweet, Refresh Timeline and Options. The Options button actually reveals a context menu when clicked, but that's not important right now. Indeed, the design is rather inspired by the rightmost toolbar buttons on Internet Explorer 9.

I rendered the icons all in Flash, each taking about 10 to 20 minutes. Yes, Flash is my go-to vector tool, not Illustrator, but only because I'm a Flash animator and advocate on the side.

This area can fit one more 24x24 icon, but I don't know what I'd have a fourth icon for. Suggestions? Or are these three enough?

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