Tokopedia - Shop Page Analytic

Hola Dribbblers! 🤘🤘🤘

We got new updates from the Shop Page Analytics feature on Tokopedia's seller dashboard. This development's primary goal is to tackle one of our sellers' apparent challenges - to access their shop page performance seamlessly. Thus, we developed this feature so sellers can access insights, learn from it, and improve their shop page designs and performance.

So, what do you think? Leave a comment below, and let us know what you are thinking about the design.

Don't forget to hit us up on Instagram @tokopediadesign for more cool updates!


Kudos to the amazing team below
UX Designer: Areta Selena Khrista
UX Writer: Judho Pratama
UI Designer: Randy Varianda
PM: Aditya Kumara
And of course, the fantastic tech team that makes this excellent feature happen!

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