Element 1 project

This page is for my web development project. For this project, I proposed a website about calculating the number of trees needed to absorb all the Carbon dioxide emitted by each individual. During my time when i created my website, I used Visual Studio code [2] to determine the structure of the web page and a calculator for equating the number of trees required. The ability to be able to calculate the number of trees from number of tonnes of CO2 is done by creating the equation multiplying by 1.4 based on the average tonne of Carbon Dioxide emitted is 1.4 trees needed. [1]The website also provides an image of planting a tree as a prop. [3]

My website:
Intro: file:///C:/Users/mathe/Documents/First%20HTML/html%202/Intro.html
Calculator: file:///C:/Users/mathe/Documents/First%20HTML/html%202/calculator.html
Citation and references
[1] Treeproject.org.au. 2020. Offset Your Footprint | Tree Project Melbourne, Victoria | 09 650 9477. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 August 2020].
[2] Code.visualstudio.com. 2020. Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 August 2020].
[3] Bangkok Post, 2019. [image] Available at: [Accessed 13 August 2020].

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