Learn To Love You - Workshop
Learn to LOVE YOU started out as one of those fun, personal projects, just playing around with ideas. As it developed, a blog emerged, a learning centre was created, and a community events schedule grew into a massive piece with everything ready to go for any organization with the same fun ideas. These are just a few of the art boards for this site. I’d love to give this project a real home. Let me know if you have a place it and a way to use it :)
ps. some of the excellent images were created by Marc Kandalaft, Jack Davidson, myself, and icons/illustrations by Johanna Vargas Sanchez., and music from the amazing collective Soul Surplus.
--- Looking for a design agency to partner with? Get in touch: info@yeahyeahyeah.studio Follow us at: http://www.instagram.com/yeah_yeah_yeah_studio