Daily Logo Challenge | Day 35 - Dinosaur Amusement Park Logo

Day 35 of the #DailyLogoChallenge. For today's logo challenge I had to design a logo for a dinosaur amusement park.

The 3 name options were 'Dino Park', 'Prehistoric Worlds', and 'Big Ferns'. I went with Dino Park as it had the most potential but I wanted to try make something a little bit different.

If you've seen Jurassic Park (which most of us have. If you haven't, watch it. If you have, read the book) you'll know the T-Rex enjoys munching on goats. I wanted to take that and give it a slightly different spin.

This was one of those logos where I'm really happy with the concept but the execution definitely needed more time. The downside of doing these logos each day after work.

More by David Dooley

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